Friday, September 16, 2011

Insomnia And Quinoa

Does Acupuncture Really Help With Treating Insomnia?

Sleeplessness can be defined as a complaint of disturbed rest in the
presence of appropriate opportunity as well as circumstance for sleep. You will find more than 100 differential medical determinations of insomnia. Acupuncturist Fort Lauderdale
Insomnia is the subjective difficulty in initiating or maintaining
sleep or non-restorative rest that lasts for at least 1 month. Fort Lauderdale Acupuncturist
The general technique in the management of insomnia is to review
root of the symptom before a suitable treatment
is proposed. The underlying medical, psychiatric or behavioral
reasons of insomnia ought to be treated in the 1st place.
However, it's not constantly possible to remove or alleviate
the main disease.In such situation, the concept is
to focus on interventions that will certainly promote rest. Regardless
of the root of insomnia, physicians treating sleep disorders
almost always counsel individuals about sleep practices. Some
key sleep practice instructions contain normal bedtime and wake
up time avoiding daytime napping, utilizing the bedroom only for
rest, keeping the bedroom dim, quiet, properly ventilated, and at a
comfortable temperature throughout the night. Practicing a bedtime
ritual, getting daily exercise each day, steering clear of alcoholic beverages and
cigarettes 4 to 6 hours prior to bedtime, avoiding caffeine consumption entirely
or limiting caffeine to no more than 3 cups no later than
10 a.m., and reducing big meals and demanding physical activity In the
How will the intervention work
Acupuncture is a healing procedure in which specific body areas
(meridian points), are pierced with fine needles. It is 1 of the
major modalities of treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
It’s theory of diagnosis and treatment is based on the systems of
medicine and philosophy of historic China and use inside China can
be traced back more than 2000 years. Acupuncture
involves complex theories of regulation of Yin and Yang forces,
Qi (air), blood and body fluids. According to Traditional Chinese
Medicine an imbalance within the Yin and Yang forces of the body, or
an excess or a deficiency of Qi, blood or body fluids are the main
reasons of pain or diseases. Acupuncture treats disease by restoring
the balance between the Yin and Yang forces and restoration of
normal Qi, blood and body fluids through stimulation of several
meridian points which govern different parts of the body and their
Apart from conventional needle acupuncture, many forms of
acupuncture have were developed, including electroacupuncture,
laser acupuncture, acupressure, auricular treatment and transcutaneous
electrical acupoint stimulation (TEAS). Electroacupuncture
is a form of acupuncture where acupuncture needles are attached
to a tool that produces continuous electrical pulses, generating
a small electrical current that flows between pairs of needles.
Laser acupuncture utilizes a laser beam to stimulate the acupoints
instead of stimulation utilizing fine needles. Acupressure is really a technique
that involves firm manual pressure on the acupoints. Auricular
therapy employs acupuncture needles, seeds or magnets peals
to trigger the acupoints placed on the auricles. TEAS blends
the system of both acupuncture and transdermal electrical
nerve stimulation by using electrode pads placed on the skin to
stimulate the acupoints.
Acupuncture is accepted by many people and is widely popular in
treating many diseases such as back pain, arthritis, headache,
asthma, digestive disorders, alcohol and substance dependence
and psychiatric disorders.
Acupuncture is one of the most frequently used complementary

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